A funny moment of my childhood

 Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk about a funny moment from my childhood. I don't remember much from my youth but my mother always tells me about my revolutionary moment and it's a memory I can't forget. When I was in primary school my teachers taught me to talk about the things I didn't like and try to make a change to turn those things into something I liked. 

Using the things I learned I organised a protest against the canteen food. I didn't like the food and neither did my classmates. The manifestation was in the courtyard and we had banners that we made in secret. Everything was going well until a classmate threw a rock and broke a window. At that point the teachers stopped our protest and then called our parents.

At that time I was very scared because I didn't want my mother to punish me but that didn't happen. That's all I remember but my mother told me that I was the leader and organiser of that protest. Surprisingly, my teachers were not angry because of the protest (only because of the window), but they were proud of us because we learned to try to change the things we didn't like.

                                    ( A photo of me at this time with my sisters and my aunt)


  1. teacher be like: kids scare the living ** out of me o.o
    for real, that was amazing you were such a leader

  2. Now I know who to call on when I want to organize a protest ahahaha

  3. You are such a bad boy since you were a kid lol.

  4. HAHAHAHAHAH you were so brave!! What a funny anecdote Nico. I can say I would have participate in that protest with you; canteen's food isn't the best.

  5. hahahahah very funny anecdote and I agree canteen's food tastes really bad


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