English Language Challenges

 Well, this will be my last blog, I'm a little sad because I really enjoyed doing this. This semester for me was a little strange and difficult. Unfortunately I left this subject a little bit aside and I feel that it wasn't the same as last semester which I really enjoyed it. But I really liked the dynamic of talking about different things, I think that's how you really learn English or at least it's better than seeing the verb to be every year hahaha.

Well, I feel that I still have a long way to go to learn to speak English, especially not to get nervous when I speak but I feel that it's just practice. I would like someday to travel to a place where only English is spoken, it would help me a lot to improve my English.

Unfortunately today I only use my knowledge of English to read a few things. But I would really like to use it a lot more, I find it very cool to speak in another language. I have been told that there are applications where you can talk to people from other countries, but those applications scare me a little bit. But I think that in order to speak more in English I will ask some of my friends who already speak English if they want to practice with me, and I will take the opportunity to spend some time with them.


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