
English Language Challenges

 Well, this will be my last blog, I'm a little sad because I really enjoyed doing this. This semester for me was a little strange and difficult. Unfortunately I left this subject a little bit aside and I feel that it wasn't the same as last semester which I really enjoyed it. But I really liked the dynamic of talking about different things, I think that's how you really learn English or at least it's better than seeing the verb to be every year hahaha. Well, I feel that I still have a long way to go to learn to speak English, especially not to get nervous when I speak but I feel that it's just practice. I would like someday to travel to a place where only English is spoken, it would help me a lot to improve my English. Unfortunately today I only use my knowledge of English to read a few things. But I would really like to use it a lot more, I find it very cool to speak in another language. I have been told that there are applications where you can talk to people

Changes to my studie programme

 Well I am really a bit ignorant about the future subjects in my study programme. About the past subjects I really liked them, so I won't change them. Ok I must admit that thinking about the changes is a bit difficult for me. I think the conditions I had to deal with in my university years were a bit strange for everyone (covid I hate you). Well, I think it would be good to talk a bit about what the subjects of my two years of university were about. the first year was very introductory to an engineering  and a bit of my degree. In the second year I started to study subjects more related to my degree, which I liked a lot. I would have liked to have had more real field experience, I feel it would have helped me to learn better. Of the future years I don't know what the subjects will be about, some names make me think that they are scientific and others humanistic subjects but I would like them to have a closer look at what someone from my degree could work on. If not, I would def

Time travel

 Hello bloggers, well the topic of this week is a little strange. Thinking about it, I don't like to travel into the future. I wouldn't like to know what's going to happen in the future, I prefer to live it for myself. But if I have no choice I would like to travel to 2030. Why 2030? Just to know what will happen to the environment until that year and start thinking about what kind of things I can do to solve that problem. I don't really like to know anything else, but I feel that I will be curious about what will happen with my life like: if I get married or finish university (I really hope so haha). But I think that if I know these things I will want to take my life in a different way. Maybe I would like to ask my future self for advice, only that. I wouldn't stay too long in the future. i like to live in the present with all the surprise it brings. I think life is fun this way even if not all the surprises are good. I feel it would be a bit weird to be back in th

My future job

Hi bloggers, when I was in high school I didn't really know what I was going to do with my life. I never thought about a career or anything like that, so when I got into my first career I made a mistake and at that moment I started to think about what I wanted in my life. All I knew was that I wanted to go to university to study. The idea of having my own shop or business never appealed to me. The other option was to have a job as a labourer but that is too hard. Considering the above, I started to think about what I wanted to do. What I came up with was a job related to nature, especially ecology. My dream job would be to study the world's ecosystems by travelling to places like Madagascar, Borneo, Africa, Latin America and Asia. To see and photograph the animals and plants that live there. That's why I think studying natural resources engineering is what will help me achieve this. I would like to earn a lot of money. I feel that this is not very relevant if I have the opp

A funny moment of my childhood

 Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk about a funny moment from my childhood. I don't remember much from my youth but my mother always tells me about my revolutionary moment and it's a memory I can't forget. When I was in primary school my teachers taught me to talk about the things I didn't like and try to make a change to turn those things into something I liked.  Using the things I learned I organised a protest against the canteen food. I didn't like the food and neither did my classmates. The manifestation was in the courtyard and we had banners that we made in secret. Everything was going well until a classmate threw a rock and broke a window. At that point the teachers stopped our protest and then called our parents. At that time I was very scared because I didn't want my mother to punish me but that didn't happen. That's all I remember but my mother told me that I was the leader and organiser of that protest. Surprisingly, my teachers were not


Hi people, today I'm going to talk about my favourite activity of the day “my hobbies :D”. Since I was little kid I play videogames in my free time. I love all kinds of videogames but I prefer the ones with a good story like Bioshock, Dead space and half life. I always play after college or before going to bed. I have to admit that on holidays I am a bit vicious and I can play all day long. I have spent a lot of money on videogames but I don't regret it as I said "I work for this". Another hobby I have is playing football on weekends. On Saturdays I play with my uncle in law and on Sundays with my friends. I started this activity this year. I am very bad at it but it is funny do exercise with my friends. I  play as a defender and I have learned a lot about football. Playing every weekend I have gained a lot of stamina and I am very grateful for that.

My best holidays

When I was a kid all summer I went to different camping places with my friends because we were scouts. The best camp I remember was in the "Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas" in 2014. In this camp we did a lot of fun activities and we enjoyed it a lot. I always remember how much fun I had there and all the things we had to do. In this camp I made my first table. Yes a table and it worked haha and how could I forget the famous latrines. We also visited a place called "Salto de la Leona" and in this place we could swim in a kind of lake and be under a waterfall. In one of the activities we had to make a TV show with advertising and everything. I remember we filmed it and it was absolutely ridiculous. I also fulfilled a weird dream of smashing a watermelon. Unfortunately this camp only lasted a week but the friendships I made there are friendships to this day.